The first AISI project of the year for Kindergarten is taking place within the realms of The Pumpkin Seed Project 2010. Through this project, that will be implemented between October 25-29 we will use our estimation and math skills. We will also incorporate technology by joining in on a pumpkin fashion show that will be presented on a Voicethread by all classes that are participating in the project. We should have "gussied up" pumpkins from all over the world, the kids will love this. We will be utilizing "real world tasks" within our classroom that will require higher level thinking.
I love the use of this blog to present and share our projects and interesting sites we have found. Use of tools such as this allow us to be more collabortive within our network of K-3 teachers and prevent the isolation we often feel because we have no time to share these ideas on a day to day basis.