Saturday, October 30, 2010

Teach Like Your Hair's On Fire

Teach Like Your Hair’s on Fire
Wow have you guys read, Teach Like Your Hair’s on Fire?
If you have not you should have a look at it.
Guess what we teach like this!
I think that we should adopt a slogan of, “We are on fire!”

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kindergarten AISI Project #1

The first AISI project of the year for Kindergarten is taking place within the realms of The Pumpkin Seed Project 2010. Through this project, that will be implemented between October 25-29 we will use our estimation and math skills. We will also incorporate technology by joining in on a pumpkin fashion show that will be presented on a Voicethread by all classes that are participating in the project. We should have "gussied up" pumpkins from all over the world, the kids will love this. We will be utilizing "real world tasks" within our classroom that will require higher level thinking.

I love the use of this blog to present and share our projects and interesting sites we have found. Use of tools such as this allow us to be more collabortive within our network of K-3 teachers and prevent the isolation we often feel because we have no time to share these ideas on a day to day basis.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

AISI Project

I was really excited today about getting started on our AISI project.

To collaborate and learn about "real world" technology and
resources that will enhance student learning is going to be very
rewarding for us and the students.

Our project in Gr. 3 helped us to develop our geographic thinking
skills for Social Studies while we were collecting, displaying and
analyzing data for math.

We created a bar graph of the temperatures in Tunisia, Peru, India and Ukraine.

First the students visited each of the 4 countries that we are studying at; World Time Next they went to Create A Graph and entered their data.The students need to label the title and the axes which are achievement indicators for the Gr. 3 data analysis strand. The graph above is an example of what the student graphs looked like when they were printed. You could extend this activity into learning about how the countries are also at different times in the day as there are clocks on the pages to see what time it is in that country.

Try out Create a Graph it is wonderful!

I am really looking forward to reading your ideas!

Linda's Picks

Linda's Grade 3 Web Site

You Tube XL - You tube without ads

Lisa's Picks

Free Technology For Teachers

For The Love of Teaching


Smart Board Activities

Barb's Picks

Mrs. Adams Apples for the Teachers

Mrs. Adams

Monday, October 11, 2010

Let's share...

Hi girls, welcome to our K-3 AISI blog. Great to have you here and a place to share all our good stuff!

Visual Online Dictionary called Snappy Words

Collection of class blogs for giving you new ideas.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Welcome Back!

I am excited about starting our new AISI project.