Monday, December 5, 2011

21st Century Learning

Once again this year we are focusing on engaging students in “real world” tasks that require higher level thinking, self-direction and collaboration.

The project that the Gr. 3 class has been involved in from November 27 to December 6th is called, Impossible 2 Possible or i2P. 4 youth ambassadors traveled to Rajasthan, the largest state of the Republic of India to the Thar Desert. Patrick, Harshveer, Emma and Jessica ran 270 kilometers through the Thar Desert of India. That is marathon per day for one week in a quest to experience this incredible country.We have learned an amazing amount of information about the quality of life in India this week. We learned about the animals, the environment and we were shown the types of food they would eat. We were able to talk to the youth ambassadors while they were on the trip through Digigone a "Skype" like appliaction that allowed them to read our questions through a chat line and then answer all of the schools that were connected at the same time.

The students wrote about our i2P project;
The Impossible Was Possible
Learning about India in Grade 3 is awesome! Over the past 10 days (Nov. 27-Dec. 6) we have followed 4 runners that have run 270 km around the Thar Desert. We were very lucky to get the chance to video chat with Jessica, Patrick, Emma and Hashveer when they were in India. They are a part of the Impossible 2 Possible team that were teaching us about the animals (yuck snakes), food, environment and hospitals in India. Emma is going to try to bring us some sand from the Thar Desert.
They all taught us that if we believe in ourselves and persevere anything can be possible.
Written by Grade 3